
Halloween Memories
Halloween is a shadow of the holiday it used to be. What was once a children and adolescent holiday has degenerated into an adult costume party.

15 Rules for Teenage Boys
As a boy leaves adolescence and begins to enter manhood, there are a few rules he would be wise to observe.

A Ghost of Christmas Past
Of all the holidays, Christmas is my least favorite. For me, the season is always very contemplative and a little melancholy.

Champion White Space
White space is usually among the last elements many designers understand and appreciate.

15 Toys That Changed My Life
Playing with these toys expanded my knowledge and improved my creativity. These fifteen toys had a lasting impact on my life, they taught me things and made me think.

The Paradox of Compassion
It’s ironic that the most compassionate solution to a problem can sometimes seem on the surface to be cruel or inconsiderate. The truth is sometimes

One Gallon of Healthcare Please
If the government would apply the same standards to health care and insurance as it does to firewood and gasoline, the costs of these services

SEM is the King of ROI
As a veteran marketing professional, I’m not easily impressed by marketing tools and techniques. But my first, hands–on, SEM campaign amazed me.

A Case for Socialism in America
As a longtime libertarian and free-market advocate, you might think I’d be the last person to extol the virtues of socialism. But after careful thought,

Beware of the Keynesians
Economists come in two breeds. One wants to understand the economy, the other wants to control the economy.

The Cult of Filemaker
I just attended the FileMaker Developers Conference 2016, and it was an odd event indeed. To understand this statement, it’s necessary to understand a little bit about FileMaker and it’s history.

The Sensitivity Race to the Bottom
Sensitivity has become such a virtue, it seems everyone these days is falling over themselves to prove they’re more sensitive than the next person.

Halloween Memories
Halloween is a shadow of the holiday it used to be. What was once a children and adolescent holiday has degenerated into an adult costume party.

15 Rules for Teenage Boys
As a boy leaves adolescence and begins to enter manhood, there are a few rules he would be wise to observe.

A Ghost of Christmas Past
Of all the holidays, Christmas is my least favorite. For me, the season is always very contemplative and a little melancholy.

Champion White Space
White space is usually among the last elements many designers understand and appreciate.

15 Toys That Changed My Life
Playing with these toys expanded my knowledge and improved my creativity. These fifteen toys had a lasting impact on my life, they taught me things and made me think.

The Paradox of Compassion
It’s ironic that the most compassionate solution to a problem can sometimes seem on the

One Gallon of Healthcare Please
If the government would apply the same standards to health care and insurance as it

SEM is the King of ROI
As a veteran marketing professional, I’m not easily impressed by marketing tools and techniques. But

A Case for Socialism in America
As a longtime libertarian and free-market advocate, you might think I’d be the last person

Beware of the Keynesians
Economists come in two breeds. One wants to understand the economy, the other wants to control the economy.