Steve would Like Steve Jobs
I’m a huge Steve Jobs fan. I’ve probably read every book, seen every movie, and watched every interview on the subject. When I heard about
Monopoly Deconstructed
I love the Parker Brothers* game Monopoly. My mother taught me to play Monopoly when I was about seven years old. It didn’t take long
An Open Letter to Tiger Woods
Dear Tiger, As an avid golfer, I’ve enjoyed watching you play. I vividly remember a picture of you in Sports Illustrated, a skinny kid at
Life Lessons of Texas Holdem’
I love playing no-limit Texas Holdem’ and I play organized games whenever I get a chance. It’s the only table game that literally makes my
Mad About Mad Men
What’s wrong with social roles? Social roles make life so much easier. Men and women know what they’re supposed to do. There’s no ambiguity. The
Where is Love?
“When you love someone, you’ve gotta trust them. There’s no other way. You’ve got to give them the key to everything that’s yours. Otherwise, what’s
High In Amsterdam
2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Beauty, culture, and social tolerance make Amsterdam an ideal destination for any adventurer. After Venice, Amsterdam is my favorite European city,
Microsoft Is Doomed
I’ve been worried for a while that Apple, without a strong-minded visionary like Steve Jobs, will eventually lose direction and become just another Sony or
A Woman’s Guide to Online Dating
Online dating is a wonderful thing. It’s much more efficient in terms of time and money than just about any other form of meet and
Explaining the Thermostat
It is incomprehensible to me the number of people who do not understand the concept of a thermostat. Even people who should know what it
Wisdom is the Province of the Old
When you’re young, you think you know everything. As you age you become unsure. As you grow old you become sure that you don’t know
Disillusioned in the Age of Aquarius
I fondly remember the 60s. As bad as the TV clips make it look, providing you didn’t get killed or maimed in Vietnam, it was actually a pretty good time.
The Cult of Filemaker
I just attended the FileMaker Developers Conference 2016, and it was an odd event indeed. To understand this statement, it’s necessary to understand a little bit about FileMaker and it’s history.
The Sensitivity Race to the Bottom
Sensitivity has become such a virtue, it seems everyone these days is falling over themselves to prove they’re more sensitive than the next person.
Steve would Like Steve Jobs
I’m a huge Steve Jobs fan. I’ve probably read every book, seen every movie, and
Monopoly Deconstructed
I love the Parker Brothers* game Monopoly. My mother taught me to play Monopoly when
An Open Letter to Tiger Woods
Dear Tiger, As an avid golfer, I’ve enjoyed watching you play. I vividly remember a
Life Lessons of Texas Holdem’
I love playing no-limit Texas Holdem’ and I play organized games whenever I get a
Mad About Mad Men
What’s wrong with social roles? Social roles make life so much easier. Men and women
Where is Love?
“When you love someone, you’ve gotta trust them. There’s no other way. You’ve got to
High In Amsterdam
2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Beauty, culture, and social tolerance make Amsterdam an ideal destination for
Microsoft Is Doomed
I’ve been worried for a while that Apple, without a strong-minded visionary like Steve Jobs,